10 Lessons Learned Wandering in Peacebuilding

10 Lessons Learned Wandering in Peacebuilding
“Below and above everything is the pulse of love and care. It surrounds. It gives grace. It nurtures patience. It carries you past your foibles and mistakes."

At a recent lecture with our good colleagues at the University of Hawaii’s program on conflict resolution I reflected on a few lessons learned over some twenty-five years of working internationally in settings of conflict. As I jotted down a few ideas what came bouncing out were proverbs creating a kind of Dave Letterman list, though I am not sure I would argue that one is more important than another. In brief, this might be considered a top ten list of things that the international arena, especially the many settings of struggling with protracted and violent conflict, has taught me about life and the vocation of peacebuilding…


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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