20 Minute Break with John Paul Lederach

20 Minute Break with John Paul Lederach
"We have to understand that the pace of wholeness includes us. And in that pace of wholeness, of learning our way into wholeness, we have to redefine and recommit to relationships of understanding each other and the gifts that we bring."

I’d actually like to start with a small poem from Hafiz, titled “The Key Dropper”…I think the poem in some ways speaks to the question of how to become a key dropper. And in its conclusion, whether we are the sage or a part of the rowdy prisoners, I know that this period of pandemic has felt a bit like being, as the words go, hunkered and locked down and held at bay in many regards. But it has at the same time, especially here in the United States and other places in the world, certainly unveiled many of the realities that have been so present and daily for too many people who experience the realities of exclusion and the needs of finding a place to call home in the midst of circumstances that show the deep differences between those with privilege and those without. And I think it points to, if we’re talking about keys, it points to the realities of some of the things we need to face with greater clarity, deeper commitment, and more long-standing persistence in our field of peacebuilding…

Lederach, John Paul. “20 Minute Break with John Paul Lederach.” Conference Remarks presented at the Global Cyber Peace Conference: Envisioning the World After the Great Pause, July 13, 2020.

Recorded by and shared with the permission of the Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association.


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