A Wish For The Future

A Wish For The Future
"To put a human face on war is the courage of last resort, the step taken before humanity is lost in the anonymous abyss of violence."

During the discussion period at a Catholic Relief Services public forum in Baltimore I was asked: “If you had ten minutes with George Bush what would you say about the pending war with Iraq?”

The first thing that popped into my mind was, “Let’s put a human face on it.”

I suggested off the cuff that I would advise President Bush to form a delegation and travel to the Middle East. The delegation should be made up of three grandmothers and three children under the age of 10, accompanied by a Priest, an Imam, and a Rabbi, all U.S. Citizens. They should travel to Ramallah, Gaza, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, then onto Baghdad.

The message would be simple…

Lederach, John Paul. “A Wish For The Future.” Mediate.com (blog), December 2002.

Originally published by and shared with permission of Mediate.com.


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