Adam Curle

Radical Peacemaker

Adam Curle: Radical Peacemaker
"The antidote (to arrogance) emerges only in the form of radical humility - a way of rooting one's life alongside humanity, to live with, rather than over, others."

Adam Curle was an unusual peacemaker who pioneered an informal, lived diplomacy which people from all walks of life could emulate. He brought experience and knowledge from conflict situations in Europe, Africa, and Asia to bear on the foundation of a new discipline. His pioneering work as founding Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University was hugely significant for peace and conflict research.

Even though his wise ideas were way ahead of his time, they have not been fully grasped. This is partly because realist approaches to political science dominated and partly because his writings are not easily available. At a time when the world sorely needs radical and inspiring ideas, Tom Woodhouse and John Paul Lederach have carefully edited Adam’s key texts into a comprehensive resource for academics, researchers, students, and policy makers.

Woodhouse, Tom, and John Paul Lederach. Adam Curle: Radical Peacemaker. Gloucestershire, United Kingdom: Hawthorn Press, 2016.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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