Dream the Light

A Story and a Song

Dream the Light: A Story and a Song

“Since September 11, 2001, we have lived through days of monumental loss, suffering and fear. We did not know six months ago when we accepted an invitation to work with Eastern Mennonite High School’s spiritual renewal week that we would be standing before 300 sixth to twelfth grade students in the wake of event that shook our world. We did know that our approach to the week would rely mostly on stories and songs.

So we sang and told stories, and felt ourselves joining hands with a great bunch of kids on a journey toward spirituality and response. We want to share that with you.

We grieve with those who have lost loved ones, and lament the loss of innocence and trust. We regret the escalating cycles of violence and its affects on all of us, and the generations to come. This CD is a small contribution. We don’t have answers to the complex questions facing us. We do have faith. We have faith in a loving God. We have faith in children and that we can find our way back to community, family and being the children of God across this globe we share. We have faith in dreams. Dream the light.”

— Herm Weaver and John Paul Lederach, October 18, 2001

How a High School Changed the World

A recorded audio version of this story.

A Dream of the Light

The song that accompanies the story "How a High School Changed the World.”

A Dream of the Light (Reprise)

The reprise of the song accompanying “How a High School Changed the World.”


situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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