The Circle of Reconciliation

Seeking the Natural Frequency

The Circle of Reconciliation: Seeking the Natural Frequency
"Healing at essence is the heroic journey of survival in a land of forgetfulness in which memory and hope, rather than representing opposite ends of spectrum, or radically opposed horizons, are in fact sister guideposts, like posts that create an archway through which the pathway of rediscovery, claiming, and projection of voice happens."

I have a rather simple proposal to make this evening. Reconciliation is, at essence, a circular not a linear process.

While simple on the surface, the shift in metaphor requires us to rethink much of what we programmatically endeavor to take up, both in terms of research and practice of reconciliation. Lakoff and George (1992) suggested some years ago that we “live by metaphors.” The shift I wish to explore this evening is to move our image of reconciliation from that of a straight staircase leading from one floor to next, or a light beam shining from one point to the next, to that of sound that penetrates, envelopes, and surrounds us. Such a shift will take us away from the too commonly accepted and too seldom questioned sequential understanding of time and social change and will plant us squarely before the proposition that reconciliation processes are circular, nonlinear, multidimensional, multidirectional, and polychromic in nature…

Lederach, John Paul. “The Circle of Reconciliation: Seeking the Natural Frequency.” Lecture presented at the Rockwell Lecture, Rice University, Houston, Texas, April 13, 2005.


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