Faith Into Action

A Moral Imagination Conversation

Faith Into Action: A Moral Imagination Conversation
"You have to get a movement somehow that people start to turn and put their face back in the direction of the people that they most fear."

Libby Hoffman: One of the things that I’ve realized consistently in the work that I’ve been a part of is the degree to which the answers are already there and that the best training is that which helps people to see that in themselves and in others. I think this program with a focus on individual teams from different locations and this training process, grounded these teams to see their own situations more clearly.

Charles Gibbs: The four teams we found matched what we were looking for. First of all, we wanted teams. We didn’t want four people from a region to come together and learn. We wanted people who were already working together and committed to doing the work together over the arc of this program and hopefully beyond…

Faith Into Action: A Moral Imagination Conversation. Gulu, Uganda, 2008.

Originally published by and shared with the permission of the United Religions Initiative (URI). For other publication use, contact URI for permission.


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