
Navigating the Nexus of Art and Peace: A reflective guide for peacebuilding practitioners and artists working together to transform conflict and inspire creativity

Forewords, Navigating the Nexus of Art and Peace
"Art and Peace, the holding together of that which in reality can never be separated: The innate human capacity to create alongside the embrace of our mutual humanity."

When I received the manuscript and found myself moving slowly through the stories, ideas, and guideposts found in Navigating The Nexus of Art and Peace, I knew I had in hand a precious gift of a book rising from experience and careful reflection.

Navigating draws attention, not just to their journey, but the notion of a sea of potential and challenges. Compass. Finding North. Courage. Tenacity.

Nexus, the sea of which they speak, offers a sense of integration. Connections. A meeting place. Crossroads. The hubs of spider strands.

Art and Peace, the holding together of that which in reality can never be separated: The innate human capacity to create alongside the embrace of our mutual humanity…

Lederach, John Paul. “Forewords.” In Navigating the Nexus of Art and Peace: A Reflective Guide for Peacebuilding Practitioners and Artists Working Together to Transform Conflict and Inspire Creativity, by Carrie Herbert, Suyheang Kry, Raymond Hyma, Dona Park, and María Antonia Pérez, xiii–xiv. edited by Melissa Martin. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Women Peace Makers, 2020.

Shared with the permission of Women Peace Makers.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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