Forging Inclusive Peace

Forging Inclusive Peace
"Navigating inclusivity in peacebuilding may not be about access to a single locus of power but rather the stitching of a thousand trace-leaving conversations that cohere toward action."

The most significant aspect of navigating conflict is to know your starting point. When using public transport maps, nothing makes sense unless you can locate the ‘You Are Here’ arrow. My location in protracted conflicts has connected more with local communities than higher-level political negotiations. When I hear the word inclusivity, my ‘You Are Here’ button kicks in: how can those at local levels who are most affected by repeated patterns of exclusion and violence gain a sense of authentic voice in peace processes? Inclusion poses the challenge of agency: how exactly do people participate meaningfully in decisions that affect their lives?…

Lederach, John Paul. “Forging Inclusive Peace.” Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives, no. 28-Navigating inclusion in peace processes (March 2019): 23–26.


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