Getting to the Table

A Conciliation Exercise

Getting to the Table: A Conciliation Exercise

This exercise is aimed at simulating pre-negotiations, or what we might call the “conciliation” efforts to bring warring groups into direct negotiations. It places more emphasis on the difficulties of “getting people to the table” than it does on the context of reaching an agreement. The learning is around the process of working between and within factions and governments. In this role play the background is roughly the context of Central America in the 1980s with a focus on the East Coast/Sandinista negotiations, though the exact historical record is not followed and names are fictional. Both the Nicaraguan government, the Sandinistas, and the various factions of the East Coast located in three countries wish to start negotiations though they have different demands on the format, process and reasons why they are interested.

Please note that this document represents one portion of the full materials that would be shared to conduct this role play.


Once downloaded, PDFs can be translated via Google Translate


situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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