A tribute to Rosa Jiménez Ahumada, Colombian peace educator

A tribute to Rosa Jiménez Ahumada, Colombian peace educator
"Rosa did not just link people. She helped them link to their dreams, aspirations, and potential."

The first time I met Rosa was in Cartagena, Colombia. We were introduced by our mutual friend Ricardo Esquivia. At the time, Rosa was participating on the coordinating committee for what was emerging as the Espacio Regional. This was an effort to coordinate across sectors, social movements, and issue-focused networks in ways that would permit the Caribbean region to create stronger relationships and cohesive action as its peoples navigated the many challenges emergent from a fifty-year war that had left a long legacy of violence, trauma, and injustices. Ricardo had forewarned me that “Profesora Rosita” was a powerhouse and would have much to talk about. Three things stand out from that first meeting and the many that we had over years since.

Ricardo was right…

Lederach, John Paul. “A Tribute to Rosa Jiménez Ahumada, Colombian Peace Educator.” Global Campaign for Peace Education (blog), October 24, 2018.

Originally published by the Global Campaign for Peace Education.

This tribute is translated into English and Spanish.


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