How Does Humanity Unite?

How Does Humanity Unite?
"To lead into re-humanization while living in the midst of fragmentation we must envision the life school of wholeness that permits us to be fully human with each other, even with those we fear, while we seek the creative strategies that transcend division and violence found in our shared journey and future."

How does humanity unite? I asked this fundamental question the first time I met with the Humanity United Board of Trustees. It was not the first time I sought to understand how the extraordinary gift of boundless diverse human threads weave or fray the tapestry that is and will remain our global family. My vocational impulse pursues understanding and contribution to how we hold our differences, divisions, and conflicts in ways that respect dignity and increase flourishing over harm and animosity. Given the events of the past weeks, with the deep divisions ever more present within our communities in the United States, I want to open this blog series with some thoughts about the challenge of to all of us as leaders when we live in settings of social fragmentation and at the same time are committed to pursue justice and healing in our relationships…

Lederach, John Paul. “How Does Humanity Unite?Humanity United (blog), July 18, 2016.

Originally published by Humanity United.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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