In the Beginning Was Conflict


In the Beginning Was Conflict: Creation
"By way of God-commitments in creation, conflict was, is, and will be a natural part of the human experience."

In the beginning God created, Genesis tells us. From a formless void, the winds of the Creator gave shape to the earth. God separated light from darkness, marking the start of time and history. God separated land from water. The dome of the sky separated upper and lower waters. Plants, animals, birds, and fish of every kind were brought forth. Then the miracle of human presence emerged; we were created in the image of God.

Volumes have been written about this marvelous act of God. I do not propose to undertake a scholarly exegesis of Genesis 1. Yet I am always struck with the centrality of this event as related to how we understand who we are, how we live and interact, and the original intention of God in creating human history. I also believe this creation story has much to do with developing a theology of conflict. Let me make several observations about this theology embedded in Genesis 1…

Lederach, John Paul. “In the Beginning Was Conflict: Creation.” In Religion, Conflict, & Peacemaking: An Interdisciplinary Conversation, edited by Muriel Schmidt, 188–94. Salt Lake City, Utah: The University of Utah Press, 2018.

Courtesy of the University of Utah Press.


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