The Vocational Pause

The Vocational Pause
"The practice, if we can call it a practice, is to notice the significance of the moment and insights emerging, and to hold and intentionally enter the deeper space the pause created."

Peacebuilding, particularly in settings of deep-rooted conflict, is never easy – hectic, demanding, at times overwhelming, and enterprise for which we cannot always see concrete results. Sometimes, when I describe to others the nature of this work, the difficulties faced, the risks required, and the few, if any, signs of success, on more than one occasion I have found myself facing a blank stare. And the inevitable question: “Why do you do this work?” In the midst of the conversation, I pause – even going silent for a moment. In order not to appear out of sorts, recovery may come with a quick explanation, a slight exaggeration of a recent event that went well, or a quick appeal to an idealistic motivation. But inside, the question has stopped me short.

I have come to refer to this moment as the vocational pause…

From “Supporting Creative, Whole Peacebuilders: An Apprenticeship Program,” by John Paul Lederach, in Faith and Practice in Conflict Resolution: Toward a Multidimensional Approach, edited by Rachel M. Goldberg.

Copyright © 2016 by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.


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