Moral Imagination

A Journey of Practical Conflict Transformation

Moral Imagination: A Journey of Practical Conflict Transformation
"How have people in, especially local communities, at moments where it was least expected, found ways to actually create an enormous impact on their particular community that had echoes out into the wider situation?"

I’m going to base most of this on a recent book so if you have interest in some of the stories and/or reflections that I’m bringing you, it’s found in The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. It’s been out for about a year and a half. That book was, to some degree, the result of a personal professional crisis and so, if honesty speaks, let me speak honestly. It started after twenty-five years of work looking back across many places where I had been engaged, had been doing what I thought was significant work. And when I looked carefully at the things that appeared to have the most incredible source of transformational moments it didn’t appear to have much to do with me. That doesn’t create the full professional crisis. What creates it is, I think, a sense of both locating yourself, but also taking the time to notice things that make a difference and how they have made that difference…

Lederach, John Paul. “Moral Imagination: A Journey of Practical Conflict Transformation.” Lecture presented at the Regis University Lecture Series, Denver, Colorado, June 17, 2008.

Recorded at and shared with the permission of Regis University.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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