Morning Walks, Morning Pages

Morning Walks, Morning Pages

This is a practice best suited to share among a group, though can be practiced individually on a regular, even a daily basis. “Morning Walks,” duration about 30 minutes, usually can begin early in the morning, making the most of any pathways or walkways available nearby. As a group, gather first in a circle and share a quote or prayer in inspiration. Invite each person in the group to connect with themselves as you walk, slowing down and opening to sensory perceptions and to one another. Walk in silence or speaking with a partner, as it suited the group.

You may follow “Morning Walk” with “Morning Pages.”…

Adapted from Mahé, Sally, Charles Gibbs, and Barbara Hartford. “Creative Beginnings: From the Moral Imagination Program.” United Religions Initiative, 2008.

Originally published by and shared with the permission of the United Religions Initiative (URI). For other publication use, contact URI for permission.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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