Peace & Jesus, Episode 23

Peace & Jesus, Episode 23
"There is a deep power, a deep, deep power in a form of telling one's story in a safe space that permits you to speak words that you maybe have never formulated to anyone else and to know that they will be received with care.”

Heather Gallian: Hi, welcome to Peaceworks and I’m Heather Gallian. In this episode, we’re going to hear from John Paul Lederach and we asked some people the following question: Who do you think is most impacted by war, men or women?

Speaker 1: It’s a tough one. I can’t really decide on a sex. It’s more whoever’s in battle and whoever’s connected to that one in battle. Whether it’s the wife that’s in battle with the husband that’s home alone or the husband in battle and the wife that’s home alone. They’re both affected as much depending on the situation.

Speaker 2: Obviously, a majority is like men fighting, right, you see men in the front lines. Women who are left behind or like in another situation where men who come in and use the women that they invaded and that sort of thing. I just think in all different scenarios, there’s always a woman being hurt…

Peace & Jesus, Episode 23. Vol. 23. Peace and Jesus. Notre Dame, Indiana: PeaceWorks TV, 2013.

Recorded by and shared with the permission of PeaceWorks TV.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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