
A Caritas Training Manual

Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual
"Spaces for reconciliation have to be places where we can act graciously and experience graciousness."

The Caritas Training Manual is a resource that contains both conceptual and practical tools to help fill the peacebuilder’s toolbox. It is a practical manual to provide trainers in peacemaking with ideas and resources; with interactive materials that cover the basic conceptual dimensions of peacebuilding; with training modules that will enhance the skills of participants but be flexible enough to be tailored to particular needs.

In the manual, peacebuilding in development work is introduced with core concepts, peacebuilding skills, and ideas to connect peacebuilding to programming. It is only able to provide a brief overview of many subjects. The manual aims to provide Caritas Internationalis workers, and other NGO (nongovernmental organization) workers, with flexible training suggestions and materials to support and enhance their efforts in peacebuilding and reconciliation. It is designed for both expert trainers and novices.

Neufeldt, Reina, Larissa Fast, Robert J. Schreiter, Brian Starken, Duncan MacLaren, Jaco Cilliers, and John Paul Lederach. Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual. Caritas Internationalis, 2002.

Shared with the permission of Caritas Internationalis.

This book has been translated into French, Arabic, and Spanish.


situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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