Poetry from the On Being Gathering

Poetry from the On Being Gathering
"Haiku is a traveling compass that holds a very strange needle. It’s not interested in north. It spins wildly, as long as you busy your way through life, and it only slows and points when you slow enough to notice."

This year, we were thrilled to host our very first On Being Gathering — a four-day coming-together of the On Being community for reflection, conversation, and companionship — at the 1440 Multiversity in the redwoods of Scotts Valley, California. We greeted each day with verse from some of our most beloved poets — and now we’d like to share these delightful moments with all of you. Peacemaker and poet John Paul Lederach opened Monday with a series of haikus.

Lederach, John Paul. “Poetry from the On Being Gathering,” The On Being Project, October 1, 2018 (aired).

Presented with the permission of The On Being Project.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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