Resiliency and Healthy Communities

An Exploration of Image and Metaphor

Resiliency and Healthy Communities: An Exploration of Image and Metaphor
"Resiliency suggests that no matter the difficulty of the terrains faced by the traveler, s/he stays in touch with a core defining essence of being and purpose, and displays a tenacity to find a 'way back' as a 'way forward' that artistically stays true to his/her very being."

The topic of these Fetzer-Wilson Center discussions aims ultimately toward the question, “What makes for healthy communities?” Clearly there exist a wide variety of ways to talk about what might be meant by “healthy.” Some would be inclined toward “harder” quantitative measures and indicators when comparing communities, like employment or poverty rates, access to education, clean water, housing and healthcare. Others may argue that in spite of an indicator like high poverty, people may still be “happy” and would be inclined toward the notion that having good or even the best access to material wealth has rarely in fact translated to healthy communities. Within the wider debate the qualifier chosen for this particular discussion focuses around the concept of resilience that when observed across settings and cultures suggests a capacity to build and sustain healthier communities.

Rather than discuss empirical comparative evidence this brief introductory paper will take a step back and down in order to explore the ways in which we organize our thinking around the concepts of “health” and “community”…

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Lederach, John Paul. “Resiliency and Healthy Communities: An Exploration of Image and Metaphor.” In Community Resilience: A Cross-Cultural Study, edited by Megan Scribner and Lauren Herzer Risi, 17–26. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2006.

Shared with the permission of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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