Sandy's Stone

Remembering How We Learn

Sandy’s Stone: Remembering How We Learn
"Remember a good teacher. And remember how you learn."

Some time back I developed a training exercise related to learning. Remember a teacher. Remember how you learn.

Too often we forget what excitement we had in early learning. One way to recuperate the memory experienced in our early days of education may be associated with the image of a teacher who created moments of transformative learning.

For teacher-apprentice relationships, this inquiry toward “learning-memory” functions in a multi-directional manner. On the one hand, learning requires that we stay in touch with the excitement of reaching toward something new. We appreciate anew the gift of discovery. On the other hand, learning also requires the discipline to pursue with wild abandon those things that nurture our passions and character…

Lederach, John Paul. “Sandy’s Stone: Remembering How We Learn.” Apprenticeship Program (blog), March 22, 2009.


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