Stories and Songs for the Road

Live at the Guild

Stories and Songs for the Road, Live at the Guild

“For more than a decade we have watched, nudged, even carried a few seniors through graduation. Each year, around March sometime, we would often find ourselves drinking a coffee in the snack shop and talking about the passage of time. “You know,” we would inevitably say, “we ought to do an evening of stories and songs for graduating seniors.” It took ten years, but here it is, our first effort.

We envisioned this as sort of a pre-graduation celebration, an evening of informal fun more intimate than the traditional ceremonies, with maybe a last little lesson about life’s journey stuck somewhere in the middle…To the Seniors of 2002, those who preceded them and those who will follow, never forget the easy words of the Poet of old, “we have miles to go before we sleep.” So grab a hand, share a story, and walk humbly, but by all means, keep walking.”

— Herm Weaver and John Paul Lederach, April 11, 2002

Healing Walks Intro

The intro song to John Paul and Herm Weaver’s music album.

Waxing the Jeep

A story of fatherly wisdom and generational reflection.

Whoopie Pie

A humorous story from personal experience with advice going on honeymoon for soon-to-be-weds.

Travellin' Home and Back

A song of love and accompaniment by Herm Weaver.


A story about hope and courage in the face of injustice set in the U.S. deep South in 1969.

Do Dreams Come True

A story about dreamers in Colombia and the United States and reminders to hold fast to hope for the future.

Still I will Fly

A song by Herm Weaver about finding strength and hope in the face of uncertainty.

Higher Ground

Herm Weaver’s interpretation of the hymn.

Healing Walks Outro

The outro song to John Paul and Herm Weaver’s music album.


situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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