Summary 1 of The Moral Imagination

The Art and Soul of Building Peace

Summary 1 of The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace
"Reach out to those you fear. Touch the heart of complexity. Imagine beyond what is seen. Risk vulnerability one step at a time."

Lederach describes the “moral imagination” as the capacity to recognize turning points and possibilities in order to venture down unknown paths and create what does not yet exist. In reference to peacebuilding, the moral imagination is the capacity to imagine and generate constructive processes that are rooted in the day-to-day challenges of violence and yet transcend these destructive patterns. In Lederach’s view, the moments of possibility that pave the way for constructive change processes do not emerge through the rote application of a set of techniques or strategies, but rather arise out of something that approximates an artistic process. Lederach maintains that the art and soul of social change should inform peacebuilding efforts. Lederach’s methodology and writing style throughout this book reflect his emphasis on art and imagination. His inquiry is not linear or strictly analytical, and he repeatedly appeals to imagery, metaphors, and stories to spark readers’ imagination. Themes investigated include the nature of relationships, webs, social change, violence, creativity, serendipity, and complexity, among others…

Maiese, Michelle. “Summary 1 of The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace.” Beyond Intractability (blog), 2005.

Originally published on Beyond Intractability.


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