The Art of Haiku and the Soul of Peacebuilding

The Art of Haiku and the Soul of Peacebuilding
"Beauty is the element that helps us reconnect ourselves to who we are as human beings. It helps to place us again in the world."

This talk rich in poems and stories spans seemingly far-flung topics — haiku, conflict transformation theory, the nature and uses of beauty — with an integral logic that renders them resoundingly mutually relevant. John Paul says the heart of both haiku and peacebuilding is to find simplicity on the far side of complexity: the essence. Great haiku are so rare because they put us in touch with the fullness of human experience in its simplest forms: so accessible, yet vastly revealing; riveting us in immediacy and transporting us. They also, like peacebuilding, take great force and insight from the margins — the likely unnoticed — and so both disciplines ask an unspecific openness and readiness.

Lederach, John Paul. “The Art of Haiku and the Soul of Peacebuilding.” Upaya Dharma Podcast, March 30, 2015.

Recorded at and shared with the permission of the Upaya Zen Center.


situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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