The Bangari Crisis

A Conciliation Scenario

The Bangari Crisis: A Conciliation Scenario

This role play is situated in Bangar, a poor country that has endured seven years of civil war and two subsequent years of a vacuum of central authority characterized by chaotic interethnic fighting. The scale of suffering imposed by the scarcity of food, clean water, and medicine have drawn international media attention. Two contesting leaders are at a stalemate, neither willing to concede anything to the other in their pursuit of the Bangari presidency. Role play participants inhabit the roles of a special policy team established to support the newly appointed Special Envoy of the United Nations to Bangar. Across two phases of work , the team’s task is to develop a strategy for the Envoy’s work in dealing with the two leaders.

Please note that these documents represent a portion of the materials that would be shared to conduct this role play. Facilitation notes are not included.


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