The Challenges of Peace and Conflict Situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia

The Challenges of Peace and Conflict Situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia
“Circulating in part makes possible a deeper collective empathy around the complexity of what has been lived, which I think is a key ingredient to the wider process of social change.”

Rungrawee Chalermsripinyorat: …So we are very excited today as we have a lot of people, more than two hundred people, who have registered with us to join this Zoom meeting. And also for people who, there will be many more people who join the Facebook Live. It’s a very exciting time today. So I would like to start by going to the program so that everybody knows what will happen in the next one and a half hour.

So we will start with the opening remarks by Khun Deb Mak, the Assistant Cultural Attaché from the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok. And after that we will have a presentation by our speaker, Professor John Paul Lederach. And then after that we will have a reflection from a scholars who have been working in Southern Thailand for more than a decade, Dr. Norbert Ropers, the directors of the Peace Research Collaborative and Senior Advisor of the Berghof Foundation. Then after that we will have a Q&A for about twenty minutes and then this event will be concluded by a remark by Dr. Srisompob Jitpiromsri, the directors of the Center for Conflict Studies and Cultural Diversity…

Lederach, John Paul. “The Challenges of Peace and Conflict Situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia.” Lecture presented at the Virtual U.S. Speaker Program on Peace and Conflict Issues, Songkhla, Thailand, January 20, 2022.

Originally recorded by the Institute for Peace Studies at Prince of Songkhla University.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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