The Dust, of Course, is a Must

The Dust, of Course, is a Must
"Remember the ground your feet call home, it is where your roots are."

It is an honor to stand before you today. This weekend is the last little chapter on an important story within the longer story of your lives. Stories. Stories are the stuff of life aren’t they? I was not sure what I might have that felt important enough to share with you at this point in your education. Graduation weekend is either the great send off, or last shot we have for giving you just one more dose. Neither felt quite right. So I thought stories. Why not just a spattering of stories with a few interludes of wisdom mixed in? I am not sure it is really wisdom, but stories I have.

My guess is you are only half listening anyway, your minds full of graduation thoughts, plans for the summer, the last chance at a date with that cute…well I know that’s how it was for me. My most memorable graduation was from Hesston High School, that must have been about a century ago. In my graduation story what I remember is this…

Lederach, John Paul. “The Dust, of Course, Is a Must.” Baccalaureate Address presented at the Eastern Mennonite University Baccalaureate Service, Harrisonburg, Virginia, April 29, 2000.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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