The Mediators

Views from the Eye of the Storm Vol. 1

The Mediators: Views from the Eye of the Storm Vol. 1
"Into every community rain falls. When rain falls, it channels itself and it goes places. Watch where it goes. It's like conflict. Into every community conflict falls and it's going to channel itself. Watch where it goes."

“The Mediators: View from the Eye of the Storm Vol. 1” is a highlight film of compelling commentary from pioneers and leaders in the field of mediation. The selection of videos comprises John Paul’s interview with Robert Benjamin, sections of which feature in the full-length film.

Video 1: Views from the Eye of the Storm Interview – John Paul discusses the early experiences, influences, and training that shaped his engagement in mediative work.
Video 2: Understanding Violent Conflict – John Paul talks about trying to understand the position of people who wanted to achieve social change and overcome powerlessness through violence, specifically the case of the Hutu and Tutsi conflict in Rwanda.
Video 3: Convincing Groups to be Nonviolent – John Paul describes discussing alternatives to violent conflict with groups who felt powerless and that violence was their only avenue of action.
Video 4: Pacifism as a Practice, Not Just an Idea – John Paul explains that those who preach pacifism should put themselves in a context where the practice is most needed, not talk about it from a safe distance.
Video 5: Authenticity in Relationships Increases Chance of Peacebuilding – John Paul speaks of the importance of authenticity when building relationships with parties.
Video 6: Essentials for Relationship Building – John Paul discusses how neutrality is a myth and the essential factor in building a relationship with parties is through gaining their trust.
Video 7: Conflict Management in Other Countries – John Paul describes how partiality is a resource in mediative processes in the contexts of Latin America and the Middle East.
Video 8: Ideal to Mediate a Space – John Paul explains how mediators need to shift their focus from mediating a person to mediating a space in order to more holistically help all involved, gain trust and understanding.

Benjamin, Robert. The Mediators: Views from the Eye of the Storm Vol. 1. Video recording, November 2010.

Originally published by and shared with the permission of and Robert Benjamin.


situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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