The Moral Imagination

The Moral Imagination
"I think our task is not to ask the question: Where is the perfect solution that solves this? Our task is to ask the question: How do I respond today with what I have access to that makes a difference in the lives where I am at and that serves as example of the direction that we are trying to proceed?"

Robert Wright: Good to have you. Let me introduce us. I’m Robert Wright, this is The Wright Show. You are John Paul Lederach, and if Wikipedia is correct, I think you still have an affiliation with Notre Dame, right, where you’re a [affirmation] Professor of International Peacebuilding.

John Paul Lederach: Yeah, and Senior Advisor at Humanity United.

RW: Where you are at the moment, their headquarters in San Francisco.

JPL: That’s correct.

RW: Now, it is Christmas time, so I actually want to start out with a little Bible reading if you don’t mind. It’s from the Nativity story in Luke…

Lederach, John Paul. The Moral Imagination. Interview by Robert Wright, December 25, 2016.

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