Third-Party Involvement in Social Conflict

Third-Party Involvement in Social Conflict

This diagram is in an experimental and rough form. It is built on four categories. Facets refers to basic aspects and components necessary for the work of any third-party process intervening in a social conflict. The functions respond to a set of key questions related to accomplishing the facets. The forms begin to answer the questions in terms of broader strategies and approaches, which are more culturally constructed from a given setting. The formulas are then seen as the specific tactics, skills, and mechanisms, or the technique, by which the forms are implemented. The facet-function aspect suggests a series of things that will likely be dealt with in any mediated process. These are circular, iterative processes, but appear as phases in this figure for purposes of analysis.

Lederach, John Paul. “Third-Party Involvement in Social Conflict.” In Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, by John Paul Lederach. Syracuse University Press, 1996.


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