Hearing voices

Hearing voices
"We are not accustomed to listening for our voice at a deep level."

Among the most consistent questions I receive about apprenticeship forms around an inquiry as to its primary purpose. A mentor, role model, or Master as image creates a paradox. On the one hand the very essence of role model suggests someone that inspires, whose life and experience provide an example that others would wish to emulate. On the other hand, while flattering (and we must note powerful, a question we will need to explore later) it also poses the potential for an unhealthy process of trying to be like another person, to become someone we are not.

The question is this: Is an apprenticeship established so that one person learns to imitate another? Is the apprentice to become a clone of the Master?

I think the answer is a decided “No!” and…

Lederach, John Paul. “Hearing Voices.” Apprenticeship Program (blog), February 8, 2009.


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