Compassionate Communities

Compassionate Communities
"Peacebuilding needs to find its wells – the tapping of a spirituality of compassion that recomposes the human symphony, reweaves the broken fabric, recuperates the poetic unfolding of the human spirit in the face of adversity and exclusion."

With our friends at Fetzer, I am involved in a small group working on the theme of compassionate communities. In preparation for a meeting to be held in May, our group members were asked to write reflections based on two questions – they are good questions. Others of you may wish to think about these questions in reference to your peacebuilding work as well. The questions were:

What have you learned about how compassion is at work in communities?
What is the next phase of your work and how do you envision compassion playing a role in this?

The following was what I shared…

Lederach, John Paul. “Compassionate Communities.” Apprenticeship Program (blog), April 14, 2009.


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