Poetic Listening

Poetic Listening
“Poetry enhances my capacity to both listen for a speak to a deeper truth, within myself and in others.”

For many years I have explored and linked the connections between poetry and peacebuilding. I have come to believe that when we experience, when we speak and hear honesty and truth, several things are present. First, the moment and the language shared have a simple and natural quality, so much so that we may not notice its extraordinary depth and value. Second, the beauty of the moment and emergent language has poetic eminence. What I find is that poetry enhances my capacity to both listen for and speak to a deeper truth, within myself and in others. I would call this poetic listening, and I think it can be developed and practiced…

From “Supporting Creative, Whole Peacebuilders: An Apprenticeship Program,” by John Paul Lederach, in Faith and Practice in Conflict Resolution: Toward a Multidimensional Approach, edited by Rachel M. Goldberg.

Copyright © 2016 by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.


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