Making Space for Peace

John Paul Lederach on Mediation

Making Space for Peace: John Paul Lederach on Mediation
"In this work, I need enough space and time to notice."

How was your approach to peacebuilding formed?

My spiritual formation comes from the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition. I first worked with the Mennonite Central Committee. After my sophomore year in college I worked in a student housing project in Belgium that had students from French-speaking Africa and from South America. Those conversations, those people, and those experiences gave me an early understanding of how to resolve conflicts. I wasn’t doing anything but cooking meals, fixing pipes, and occasionally helping students resolve issues at the university. The vast majority of the work was listening…

Frykholm, Amy, and John Paul Lederach. “Making Space for Peace: John Paul Lederach on Mediation.” The Christian Century, December 15, 2009.

Copyright © 2009 by The Christian Century. “Making Space for Peace: John Paul Lederach on Mediation” by Amy Frykholm and John Paul Lederach is reprinted by permission from the December 15, 2009, issue of The Christian Century.


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