
At the Heart of God's Mission

Reconciliation: At the Heart of God’s Mission
"We are faced with a world of broken people, a world of violence and war, inequality and injustice, a world of famine and poverty. But we are not blocked or restrained by a lack of resources for responding to these challenges. We are shackled by a lack of imagination and faithful belief that things can be otherwise, by a lack of commitment to live by those dreams with the conviction that they are possible."

To this gathered body, the World Conference of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the First Presidency, to your wonderful staff, in particular to Andrew Bolton who asked me not to mention his name, please allow me to thank you for this honor for both the recognition and encouragement this award represents. I should like to give a brief explanation that Wendy and I have decided to use the $25,000 to establish a scholarship at our Conflict Transformation Program at Eastern Mennonite University. This scholarship will permit international students and Native Americans to participate in our Summer Peacebuilding Institute.

Most of us who toil our lives in the long journey of seeking and pursuing peace, who walk the road toward the horizon of reconciliation, receive little recognition along the way. It is the paradox of peacebuilding and mediation in particular, that if you are successful, others receive the credit, and if your efforts collapse you take the blame so that others may go forward. Thus it is very special, after decades of work, to feel clarity of recognition, the warmth of encouragement…

Lederach, John Paul. “Reconciliation: At the Heart of God’s Mission.” Presented at the World Conference of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Independence, Missouri, April 6, 2000.


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