Sustaining Peace

Concluding Thoughts

Sustaining Peace: Concluding Thoughts
"Maybe it is in the absolute creativity genius of artists learning how to survive that we find where it is that we can locate a way forward in the challenges that are so significant across our globe."

Now, six months ago I got a call from Asher: Would I consider offering a keynote address at this little gathering? Then about a month ago I got another call: Might I agree to kind of shape my notes – he would always, Asher is very kind when he asks you to do something – would I kind of shape my notes to reflect what I see and sense in this gathering and then I could add any comments I might want to make that were a part of the original keynote. “You mean,” I asked. “You mean, you want me to wander around and wonder about what is going on in the petri dish and then stand up in front of all the specimens and tell them what I make of this, what I sense and what I see.” He said, “Yeah, that’s about it.”

So, a number of you have been saying to me over the last few days, “We look forward to hearing your keynote address.” To which I have responded, “So do I.” It literally has been emergent…

Lederach, John Paul. “Sustaining Peace: Concluding Thoughts.” Keynote presented at the Building Sustainable Peace Conference, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, November 10, 2019.

Recorded at and shared with the permission of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame.


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