Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination

Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination
“People, if given enough support, time, safety, and relational connections have within themselves and within their reach very specific things that can make a difference.”

This is a conversation about peacebuilding, but it is also a conversation about language and imagination and the capacities that might allow each of us to transcend conflict in our world and the ways that these show up in the minutiae and details of a life, the everydayness and the banal, about how peace and imagination are cultivated there. It is a masterclass in the capacities of a peacebuilding and reconciliation, capacities we all must be students of.

McGranaghan, Ryan. “Peacebuilding, Critical Yeast, and the Language of Imagination.” Origins podcast, January 7, 2025.

Shared with the permission of the Origins podcast.


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situate this material in the web of John Paul's vocational reflections


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