welcome to the john paul lederach archive

Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination

A conversation about language, imagination, and how to cultivate peace and transform conflict in everyday life.

Want to be Resilient? Build Local, Build Now

An episode of the “Reimagining Us” podcast exploring the challenges of isolation and division facing communities in the U.S., and the power rebuilding of trusting relationships to build individual and collective resilience to crisis.

Teaching Peace Top-down, Bottom-up, or Both?: Navigating Basic Dilemmas in Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution Education

An article that offers a new framework for cross-cultural conflict resolution education that builds from John Paul’s original distinction between prescriptive and elicitive approaches.

Mission Forward Podcast A Recipe for Cooling Down American Politics with Peacebuilder Dr. John Paul Lederach

John Paul shares insights about how ordinary people can take action to interrupt cycles of toxic polarization in their communities.

The Growing Edge Podcast Unexpected Hope in Improbable Actions

John Paul provides thoughtful, sometimes surprising ideas and advice on how to navigate, disrupt and mitigate the patterns that lead to deeper conflict, with attention to what is happening in contemporary U.S. politics.

Starting Point for Implementing Large-Scale Social Change

In a podcast hosted by Rational Games, John Paul and Mark Young dive deep into the transformative power of negotiation, peacebuilding, and social change.

Washington Post OpEd A recipe for cooling down American politics

An OpEd published on The Washington Post about lessons from around the world to deescalate toxic polarization in the United States.

C-SPAN Interview John Paul Lederach on Solutions to Overcome Political Polarization

John Paul speaks with Tammy Thueringer about solutions to overcome toxic political polarization and the threat of civil war in the United States.

Exploring Environmental Violence: Perspectives, Experience, Expression, and Engagement

A volume containing contributions from a variety of disciplines that explores the implications of and responses to environmental violence.