welcome to the john paul lederach archive

Beautiful Men

A film made during a class on the moral imagination at Eastern Mennonite University's Summer Peacebuilding Institute in 2008.


John Paul's translation of the Eduardo Galeano poem known as “Nosotros.”

The Below and the Beyond in Peacebuilding: Aspen Art

A video emergent from a conversation retreat reflecting on the metaphors of trees and wood working in relationship with conflict and peace.

Varela Symposium: Transforming Conflict – From Science to Real World Applications

John Paul's contributions to the Upaya Zen Center's Varela Symposium 2018, which explored the theme, "Transforming Conflict: From Science to Real World Applications."

Faith Into Action: A Moral Imagination Conversation

A video emergent from the URI Moral Imagination program in which Libby Hoffman, Charles Gibbs, and John Paul discuss how the Moral Imagination supports URI practice and philosophy.

The Art and Soul of Compassion

An emergent conversation about healing and reconciliation guided through research and story across the intersections of compassion, creativity, and spirituality.

Gathering of the Hearts: Braiding Our Ways of Being

An open conversation and experience about facing the challenges of environmental violence and justice from diverse traditions, knowledge carriers, and forms of engagement.

John Paul Lederach y la rehumanización

A short clip of John Paul's reflections on dehumanization and rehumanization in Colombia.

Let’s Talk About Culture: Reconcile Chapter 9 Finale

The final session of a book study of Reconcile, hosted through Let's Talk About Culture, in which John Paul features as a guest.