welcome to the john paul lederach archive

La mediació com a estratègia de canvi social

A presentation given at the IX Jornada de Prevenció i Mediació Comunitària in Barceolona, Spain.

Una mirada global de los procesos de paz

A lecture delivered on the occasion of the presentation of the Peace Accords Matrix in Bogotá, Colombia.

Los acuerdos no terminan los conflictos

A lecture delivered at the University of Cartagena in Colombia in contribution to the conference Diálogos de Paz.

Clase Magistral Transformación de Conflictos

Conferencia realizada en el marco del Programa de Apoyo para una Cultura de Paz y el Fortalecimiento de Capacidades Nacionales para la Prevención y el Manejo Constructivo de Conflictos.

Transformante conflictes, construint la pau

A lecture delivered on the occasion of the launch of the Guia de Recursos per la Pau, published by Fundació per la Pau in Barcelona, Spain.

Teacher Spider and the Golden Thread

A dharma talk shared with the Upaya Zen Center community in March 2020 for the Socially Engaged Buddhist Training.

20 Minute Break with John Paul Lederach

A message shared with the Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association for the Global Cyber Peace Conference in July 2020.

A Pathway to Peace: Ideas for Advancing Climate-Resilient Futures

The second episode in "The Day After Tomorrow: A Virtual Talk Story Series," hosted by the Institute for Climate and Peace.