welcome to the john paul lederach archive

In the Beginning Was Conflict: Creation

A reprint of a chapter in the book Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians that considers a Christian understanding of conflict built on the basic creation commitments in Genesis.

Music Writ Large: The Potential of Music in Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring music's contribution to peacebuilding and conflict transformation.

Supporting Creative, Whole Peacebuilders: An Apprenticeship Program

A chapter weaving reflections emergent from the apprenticeship program that includes narratives from each of the four apprentices.

Spirituality and Religious Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring the meaning of quality of presence rising from spiritual resources that facilitate the practice of religious peacebuilding in protracted conflict.

Addressing terrorism: A theory of change approach

A chapter examining isolation and engagement strategies of responding to violent conflict and terrorism, assessing their potential effectiveness through their respective theories of change.

Launching a Career in Peacebuilding

A chapter sharing reflections on key elements for creating a learning environment where transformation is possible.

The Long Journey Back to Humanity: Catholic Peacebuilding with Armed Actors

An inquiry into experiences of Catholic leadership with armed groups and actors that overviews the types of experiences, approaches, and challenges church leaders face in contexts of open violence, and secondly proposes and explores a theology of peacebuilding.

Cultivating Peace: A Practitioner’s View of Deadly Conflict and Negotiation

A chapter weaving reflections emergent from practitioner experience that offer an alternative view to the metaphor of ripeness and provide a re-orientation to the practice of developing negotiated peaces.

The Role of Corporate Actors in Peacebuilding Processes: Opportunities and Challenges

A chapter that considers how a greater connection between actors in peace and the business and commerce sector may redress the vertical, interdependence, and justice gaps found in peacebuilding.