welcome to the john paul lederach archive

Dos expertos internacionales analizan el futuro de la paz

An interview at an event organized by the Fundación Ideas para la Paz exploring the future of peace in Colombia.

Què és la pau per John Paul Lederach?

A short clip of John Paul defining peace in contribution to the Càpsules de Pau archive of the Institut Català Internacional per la Pau.

Reflections at the seminario Imaginemos un País Reconciliado

An invitation to imagine peace across generations shared at the 2018 seminar Imaginemos un país reconciliado.

La imaginación para la paz

An interview in contribution to the series Gente Interesante - Relatos en Cultura de Paz.

Entrevista a John Paul Lederach por Rolando Luque Mogrovejo

An interview by Rolando Luque Mogrovejo on the occasion of the XI Congreso Mundial de Mediación y I Congreso Nacional para la Construcción de la Paz held in Lima, Perú in September 2015.

Entrevista a John Paul Lederach por Xavier Garí de Barbarà

An interview in contribution to an oral history project of the International Catalan Institute for Peace to trace the history of the peace movement in Catalonia.

Entrevista Juan Pablo Lederach

An interview with CINEP/Programa por la Paz on the occasion of the presentation of the Peace Accords Matrix in Bogotá, Colombia.

John Paul Lederach habla sobre la reconciliación en Colombia

An interview with Reconciliación Colombia on the occasion of the presentation of the Peace Accords Matrix in Bogotá, Colombia.

“In Conversation”: John Paul and Gladys Ganiel

A conversation at the 2021 4 Corners Festival reflecting on peacebuilding and conflict transformation through John Paul's career past and present.