
As a deeply reflective practitioner, John Paul's scholarship is predicated on experience-shaped learning from which he has inductively developed theoretical perspectives. These theories have significantly influenced the field of peacebuilding and conflict transformation. Elaborated in numerous books, book chapters, and articles, many of these theories were originally captured visually in doodles and later took the form of diagrams and charts. A selection of these are displayed in this section. (Please note that permission to reprint these figures in to-be-published materials must be sought from the publishers of the books in which they feature.)

Doodle Four. Integrated Framework

A doodle version of the integrated framework for peacebuilding, originally proposed in the book Building Peace, and subsequently expanded in The Moral Imagination.

Doodle Three. The Web Process

A series of doodles illustrating the trail of strategies taken up by orb weaver spiders in weaving their web.

Doodle Two. Pyramid of Approaches to Peacebuilding

A version of the pyramid of peacebuilding focusing on the idea of vertical and horizontal integration.

Doodle One. Conflict as a Line Image

A doodle from The Moral Imagination expressing the escalation and deescalation of conflict through a single line in time.

Transformational Platform

A diagram of a transformational platform, which includes an understanding of different levels of the conflict, processes for addressing immediate problems, a vision for the future, and a plan for change processes which will move in that direction.

Strategic Peacebuilding Pathways

A diagram mapping pathways of strategic peacebuilding, the main components and sub-components of the field of peacebuilding.

A Simple Process Structure

A diagram of a simple process structure, holding together circular and linear perspectives.

Actors and Approaches to Peacebuilding

A pyramid model of actors and approaches to building peace across scales from the grassroots, middle range, and top-level leaders.

Moving from Reaction to Transformation

A matrix mapping questions to hold in the movement from reaction to reform to transformation of crises/issues across scales of intervention from the individual to the systemic.