reflective practice

A significant challenge for peacebuilding practitioners is cultivating habits of reflection that promote the explicit building of knowledge and the development of theory, as well as tend to the deeper wellsprings of meaning, purpose, and wellbeing. From the technical perspective, reflective practice seeks to build understanding, knowledge, and improvement of practice through explicit and disciplined reflection. From the vocational perspective, reflective practice seeks to cultivate deep presence with oneself and in relationship with others. The resources in this section provide tools and guidance for individuals and organizations to engage in and integrate reflective practice as an avenue through which to nurture the quality and depth of their peacebuilding practice.

Personal Reflection Worksheet

A worksheet for practitioners calling forth attitudes and capacities, motivations and vision, and reactiveness in practice.

Questions to Guide Reflection on Social Change

Questions and guidance to inform reflection on nurturing social change.

The Poetics of Building Peace

A collection of prompts guiding reflection on the relationship between peace, arts, and poetry.

Wormly Wisdom Book Practice

Instructions for writing a book, inspired by and through The Tiny Book of Wormly Wisdom.

Poetic Listening

A version of the practice of poetic listening - listening for moments when a person speaks that touches something fairly deep about their understanding.

Morning Walks, Morning Pages

A group practice intended to help experience the deep beauty and wisdom of the natural world, and to listen deeply to the inner wisdom called forth by the natural world.