
Always present, stories shape our lives. It is the way by which we find the capacity to give meaning to what we've lived. Much of conflict is about the search for meaning, how we make sense of what is happening in and around us. Storytelling and the centrality of narrative feature significantly in John Paul's peacebuilding practice, as they offer a more holistic way to reflect in a much wider sense on the dynamics of a situation or the experience of people. In this way, it provides a shift away from exclusive dependence on cognitive, rational, and linear understandings of reality and open toward more a holistic, nuanced, and compassionate approaches. This section features stories John Paul shares in his writing and teaching, many of which uplift the courageous and creative leadership of peacebuilding colleagues around the world.

A Story Illustrating ‘The Poetics of Peacebuilding’

A story about sensory experiences and poetics in the field of peacebuilding education and practice.

The Reconciling

A story of two brothers who separated bitterly, and were rejoined by a small symbolic act of repentance and blessing.

The Dust, of Course, is a Must

A speech for Eastern Mennonite University's Baccalaureate Service in 2000.

Sister Mary’s Tear

A story of Sister Mary Tarcisia and her work with young women who were taken from their homes by the Lord's Resistance Army and formed as child soldiers during the war in Uganda.

Back Seat Taxi Conversation with Edilia

A story emergent from a conversation with Edilia, a teacher in Colombia from a community hard hit by violence.

Sam Doe

A story of Liberia peacebuilder Sam Doe's journey to participate in Eastern Mennonite University's Summer Peacebuilding Institute.

A Story from Wajir: How a Few Women Stopped a War

A story of the women of Wajir who initially set out to assure a safe market and ultimately stopped a war.

A Story from Ghana: I Call You Father Because I Do Not Wish to Disrespect You

A story of an encounter admist the escalation of conflict in Northern Ghana that shifted the future unfolding of conflict, perhaps planting the seeds that avoided a civil war.

A Story from Tajikistan: Talking Philosophy with the Warlord

A story of mediation and poetic friendship between a warlord and a professor that led to the talks that ended the Tajik civil war.