asia and central asia

Starting with a trip to the Philippines in 1989, John Paul has spent extensive time supporting initiatives and learning in the Pacific Basin countries across to Central Asia and India. The most significant of those countries have been with colleagues in the Philippines, Myanmar, Nepal, and Tajikistan. Particularly in the Philippines and Nepal, the notion of decades long commitments emerged with educational and philanthropic foundations to support peacebuilding during and in the aftermath of civil wars.




John Paul Lederach Speaks at the Next Gen Peace Conference

A keynote speech at the 2016 Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference reflecting on accompaniment of peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Nepal across a decade.

Transformación comunitaria y construcción de paz desde la actuación ética de los cuerpos policiales

A presentation at the III Congreso Iberoamericano de Mediación Policial de Vila-real held in Vila-real, Spain in March 2018.

Transformación de Conflictos, Diálogo y Mediación

A master lecture delivered at the XI Congreso Mundial de Mediación y I Congreso Nacional para la Construcción de la Paz held in Lima, Perú in September 2015.

Talleres Especiales Transformación de Conflictos

A special workshop delivered at the XI Congreso Mundial de Mediación y I Congreso Nacional para la Construcción de la Paz held in Lima, Perú in September 2015.

La mediació com a estratègia de canvi social

A presentation given at the IX Jornada de Prevenció i Mediació Comunitària in Barceolona, Spain.

Una mirada global de los procesos de paz

A lecture delivered on the occasion of the presentation of the Peace Accords Matrix in Bogotá, Colombia.

Transformante conflictes, construint la pau

A lecture delivered on the occasion of the launch of the Guia de Recursos per la Pau, published by Fundació per la Pau in Barcelona, Spain.