
John Paul's involvement in peacebuilding in Colombia began in the late 1980s. Beginning with Justapaz (the Mennonite Church of Colombia) and extending to community-based work, including with the Catholic Bishops Conference Social Outreach Program, Pastoral Social, he has accompanied the country’s long journey of building peace. Leading up to the 2016 peace agreement, John Paul worked the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace to develop a set of initiatives focused on invigorating local and regional peacebuilding in regions that have suffered a great deal of violence. Wide use of the terms ‘peacebuilding’ and ‘conflict transformation’ in Colombia trace their roots to John Paul’s early community level involvement, with contribution to the Accord’s use of the concept ‘territorial peace.’ John Paul currently serves on the Advisory Council to the Colombian Truth Commission. The resources in this section include books, articles, presentations, and interviews shared in or about the journey toward peace in Colombia.

The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Peacemaking

A lecture on the moral imagination in peacebuilding delivered for the Annual Gottlieb Lecture at the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2003.

¿Cómo superar la guerra en Colombia?

A interview discussing the Colombian peace accord, the challenges of implementation and possibilities it holds for the future.

The Ingredients of Social Courage

A conversation with Krista Tippett and America Ferrera at the inaugural On Being Gathering, exploring the ingredients of social courage and how change really happens in generational time.

The Art of Peace

A conversation with Krista Tippett exploring themes of the moral imagination, arts-inspired peacebuilding, and music and poetry in healing and reconciliation.

Advent Manifesto: Does my soul still sing?

A collection of one hundred thoughts, Advent reflections.

The Peace Professor

An article offering a glimpse into John Paul's practice of peacebuilding in La Pedregosa, Colombia.

“Toda Colombia necesita aprender a dialogar”

Entrevista de Gloria Castrillón sobre la construcción de paz en Colombia y la iniciativa Diálogos Improbables.

“No es fácil pasar de la guerra a la paz”

En esta entrevista con El Espectador, John Paul Lederach comenta los desafíos para implementar los acuerdos de La Habana y alcanzar la reconciliación en Colombia.

Hay que asumir “diálogos improbables”

An interview centering questions about the implementation of the Colombian peace accord and the challenge of implementing a transformational approach to peace.