
John Paul's involvement in peacebuilding in Colombia began in the late 1980s. Beginning with Justapaz (the Mennonite Church of Colombia) and extending to community-based work, including with the Catholic Bishops Conference Social Outreach Program, Pastoral Social, he has accompanied the country’s long journey of building peace. Leading up to the 2016 peace agreement, John Paul worked the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace to develop a set of initiatives focused on invigorating local and regional peacebuilding in regions that have suffered a great deal of violence. Wide use of the terms ‘peacebuilding’ and ‘conflict transformation’ in Colombia trace their roots to John Paul’s early community level involvement, with contribution to the Accord’s use of the concept ‘territorial peace.’ John Paul currently serves on the Advisory Council to the Colombian Truth Commission. The resources in this section include books, articles, presentations, and interviews shared in or about the journey toward peace in Colombia.

Reflections at the seminario Imaginemos un País Reconciliado

An invitation to imagine peace across generations shared at the 2018 seminar Imaginemos un país reconciliado.

Entender un acto de paz necesita tiempo y oportunidades

An interview about the Colombian Peace Agreement and challenges in building peace in Colombia.

Dos expertos internacionales analizan el futuro de la paz

An interview at an event organized by the Fundación Ideas para la Paz exploring the future of peace in Colombia.

Entrevista a John Paul Lederach por Rolando Luque Mogrovejo

An interview by Rolando Luque Mogrovejo on the occasion of the XI Congreso Mundial de Mediación y I Congreso Nacional para la Construcción de la Paz held in Lima, Perú in September 2015.

“In Conversation”: John Paul and Gladys Ganiel

A conversation at the 2021 4 Corners Festival reflecting on peacebuilding and conflict transformation through John Paul's career past and present.

John Paul Lederach habla sobre la reconciliación en Colombia

An interview with Reconciliación Colombia on the occasion of the presentation of the Peace Accords Matrix in Bogotá, Colombia.

“La paz la construye cada colombiano”: John Paul Lederach

An interview with Daniel Salgar Antolínez for El Espectador about peacebuilding and reconciliation in Colombia.

Entrevista Juan Pablo Lederach

An interview with CINEP/Programa por la Paz on the occasion of the presentation of the Peace Accords Matrix in Bogotá, Colombia.

La imaginación para la paz

An interview in contribution to the series Gente Interesante - Relatos en Cultura de Paz.