
Starting in the 1980s, John Paul participated through the outreach program of Semilla (whose headquarters were based in Guatemala City), a popular education and extension program that worked primarily with grassroots and church-related leadership. This program was offered to all of the countries of Central America from Panama to Mexico. Semilla also developed a publishing arm that produced a number of his books and essays from this time period. Wendy and John Paul lived in Costa Rica during a significant portion of this period. The primary fieldwork for his dissertation emerged from his experience with local community understandings of conflict and its transformation, particularly in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. His most extensive direct work became the support for the conciliation and peace process in Nicaragua that led up and through the late 1980s and early 1990s.

The Heart of Reconciliation: A Conversation with John Paul Lederach

A conversation that explores John Paul's work, dynamics of conflict in congregational and church settings, and the centrality of reconciliation to the Christian life.

Civil Society and Reconciliation

An overview of how to build civil society and reconciliation in post-accord settings where protracted conflicted has created deep animosities and divisions.

Levels of Leadership

An analytical and descriptive exploration of a pyramid model to capture the overview of how an entire affected population in a setting of internal armed conflict is represented by leaders and other actors, as well as the roles they play in navigating the situation.

Five Qualities of Practice in Support of Reconciliation Processes

A practitioner’s view of attitudes and approaches for supporting reconciliation that have proven useful, cautioning against reducing reconciliation to a formula or technique-based methodology.

Justpeace: The Challenge of the 21st Century

A chapter exploring gaps in peacebuilding practice in the 21st Century and advocating for the development of an adequate language appropriate to the hopes held in the endeavor of building peace.

Journey from Resolution to Transformative Peacebuilding

A chapter reflecting on three specific experiences that marked important evolutions in John Paul's thinking and practice.

Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

Conflict Resolution in Cross Cultural Context

A chapter reflecting on the promises and pitfalls of conflict resolution in a cross-cultural setting.

Of Nets, Nails, and Problems: The Folk Language of Conflict Resolution in a Central American Setting

A book chapter adaptation of John Paul's doctoral dissertation on indigenous understandings of conflict processes rooted in language and culture.