north america

Alongside John Paul's extensive international experience, he has been involved in numerous peacebuilding and mediation initiatives in his home context of North America. He served as director of the Mennonite Conciliation Service, and in that capacity contributed as a mediator and consultant with a range of organizations including nonprofits, religious organizations, and universities. In a training and education capacity, John Paul has designed and led trainings, courses, and programs on peacebuilding and conflict transformation for institutions across the region. The content in this section includes a range of resources, including books, interviews, blog posts, and more, in which John Paul offers insights regarding peacebuilding within the North American context and between the United States and the global community.

The Long-term View of Post 9/11 World from the Lenses of Peacebuilding

A paper prepared for a panel reflecting on the challenges of the long-term Post 9/11 World with a focus on U.S. policies responses.

Peacebuilding Today: An Appeal for the Moral Imagination

A lecture given at Messiah College's Sider Institute on the power of the moral imagination in the turning point of a new Millennium in human history.

The Dust, of Course, is a Must

A speech for Eastern Mennonite University's Baccalaureate Service in 2000.

From Polarization to Healing

A conversation on The Growing Edge podcast about conflict dynamics and polarization in the United States and pathways to shift these escalating patterns.

Living Now: Rehumanization in the 200 Year Present

A talk from the Upaya Zen Center sharing stories about experiences working with Indigenous communities around the world.

The Ingredients of Social Courage

A conversation with Krista Tippett and America Ferrera at the inaugural On Being Gathering, exploring the ingredients of social courage and how change really happens in generational time.

Transforming enmity: 9/11: Ten years later

A reflection published by The Christian Century on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Let’s do the unexpected

An article offering a response to the attacks of 11 September 2001 that could break the cycle of violence.

Mediation in North America: An Examination of the Profession’s Cultural Premises

A paper reflecting on the premises and assumptions implicit in the interaction model generally adopted by North American mediation experts, specifically examining the mediator monologue as they are representative of mediation "doctrine."